Hairdressers Accountant Understanding Your Needs
Hairdressers and the beauty sector are one of the businesses who were forced to close during the 2020 Pandemic. The challenge for them was being ready to go as restrictions were lifted. This naturally included preparing to be Covid-19 secure. But ensuring that the business was ready to resume begins long before.
From the moment of lockdown, it was important to ensure that the right claims were made. Grants and subsidies were due to Hairdressers and Beauticians but advice on how to do this was essential. We ensured our hairdressers and beautician clients were up to date, by providing regular updates to funding releases and assisting with applications. Where the business could not trade and staff were furloughed, we did this Free of Charge, recognising the challenges these businesses faced.
Accountants for Hairdressers
We specialise in acting for many Hairdressers because we understand the diversity of the business. Whether they are mobile operators who are probably working as a self-employed proprietor or a chain of salons likely to be set up as a company we are able to assist. They could be renting out chairs or actually renting a chair. We deal with large and small Hairdressing and Beauticians. Many of our hairdresser clients are based in the Standish and Wigan area. But we can offer a completely remote service anywhere in the country. A perfect example of this remote approach is our payroll service. This has been particularly important during the job retention scheme and the submission of Furlough claims.
We can help
Our main services which are required by Hairdressers are: Payroll, Accounts Completion, Bookkeeping Self Assessment Tax Returns and VAT advice. We have produced training programmes to help those running hair dressing businesses. It includes how to use Bookkeeping software. This is becoming increasing important as making Tax Digital is extensively implemented throughout business. Furthermore, if you are looking to start up a hairdressing or beauticians’ business then we can help with our business start up pack.
We know that hairdressers know their business but with McGinty Demack as good hairdresser accountants they can go one step further. For more assistance contact us.