Ready to fund the next business development

A large majority of businesses need funding at some point, whether it’s at the start-up stage, during periods of exceptional growth or to develop that bright idea.

As accountants, we sit down with our clients after preparation of Year End Accounts and discuss how the business is fairing and how we can assist in shaping the future. More often than not the discussion leads to questions about funding.

McGinty Demack is poised to make that discussion far more useful than ever with its new online funding portal access. Sitting with us you are able to see in real time what lending facilities might be available to you. There are choices which you are able to make and it is important to find the right lender to suit you, your circumstances and your business.

For example, it might be asset financing, invoice financing or other types of loan.

Below is an example of the type of information we would need to complete the process with you So you know in advance what we need to know to carry out the research. But we will do with you present so that we ensure that the right information gets you the best deal.

i.e Turnover, profit, VAT figures, funding requirement

The initial review of the funding does not impact on your credit rating.

To get more information please complete the short form below and we will contact you to make an appointment.

Whatever you are planning don’t forget Mcginty Demack can also offer you a wide range of online training courses. These courses are designed to help development in areas such as health & safety and management and staff training. The completion of the course provides a certificate for evidence of completion.  It is ideal for training records management.

Starting up a new business; let MGD help you make good decisions

Making Tax Digital


Try this MGD tool to kick start your venture

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01942 322767

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