Pension & Auto enrolment in Wigan Area
Are you a business in Wigan?Do you know about Workplace Pension and Pension and Auto Enrolment?
If you are running a business which employs staff the likelihood is that at some stage you will be affected by the Auto enrolment scheme. This is the biggest change to workplace pension in many decades.
Our clients needing an Auto Enrolment Scheme in Wigan have discovered that the set-up of this is onerous in itself. As a business do you know your Auto Enrolment Staging Date. If not then the penalty fines could impact on your business. Legislation and the interpretation of terminology also creates problems so why not consider outsourcing your Auto enrolment scheme to us. We can integrate this into our payroll processing department and combine the two for a modest cost.
Working alongside Financial Advisors we are able to provide a full service meeting the needs of the employer and the employee and provide a Workplace pension solution in Wigan.
Outsource your Auto Enrolment management to MGD and make good decisions.

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01942 322767
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