UK set to leave the EU

With the referendum votes counted and the United Kingdom vote to exit the European Union there will be many issues to consider.

The CBI commented on the result of the referendum.

Carolyn Fairbairn, CBI Director-General, said:

‘The British people’s vote to leave the EU is a momentous turning point in our history. The country has spoken and it’s for us all to listen.

Many businesses will be concerned and need time to assess the implications. But they are used to dealing with challenge and change and we should be confident they will adapt.

The urgent priority now is to reassure the markets. We need strong and calm leadership from the Government, working with the Bank of England, to shore up confidence and stability in the economy.

The choices we make over the coming months will affect generations to come. This is not a time for rushed decisions.

The CBI will be consulting its members and business is committed to working with Government to shape the best possible conditions for future prosperity.’

Internet link: CBI news

Banks and charities urged to do more to protect scam victims

The Chartered Trading Standards Institute (CTSI) has called for banks and charities to take greater responsibility for those who may be vulnerable to scams.

The CTSI commissioned a report from Bournemouth University’s National Centre for Post Qualifying Social Work into scam victims, and its recommendations to financial institutions and charities include:

  • recognising their duty of care to dementia sufferers who could make an ‘unwise decision’ as a result of their cognitive state
  • allowing vulnerable people to put a 24 hour delay on new or large transactions from leaving their bank accounts and sending an email or text alerting a carer or loved one at the start of that period
  • adopting a default that personal data is not shared without a clear opt in and that it is not held for longer than 12 months before permission is sought again.

This last measure is an attempt to prevent the creation of lists of vulnerable people, which are sold between criminals. According to Trading Standards officers, there are nearly 200,000 potential victims on such lists, who may be targeted by mail or doorstep scams. Victims of scam mail have an average age of 74, and have typically lost more than £1,000.

Leon Livermore, CTSI chief executive, stated:

‘Vulnerability is not a term that is defined in law, which means it is difficult for professionals to introduce measures to protect vulnerable people.

‘We believe that banks and charitable organisations can do more without the need for legislation and that these relatively straightforward asks would lead to a dramatic reduction in detriment.

‘Adult social care faces a massive funding shortfall and people who are scammed are much more likely to need support. These measures will protect our ageing population and reduce the burden on the state.’

Internet links: CTSI news item Guide 

Lucas Climbs To The Top

You may remember that we Sponsored Lucas Martin, a student at Manchester University, on trek up Mount Kilimanjaro Africa’s highest peak in Tanzania. We are pleased to report that he successfully reached the summit and returned back safely.  Well done Lucas, for not only for conquering the mountain but also for the work he did with ChildReach whilst in Tanzania. We are glad to have been a part of this and hope that this has enriched both Lucas and the children he was able to work with during his time there. We look forward to being able to publish Lucas’ experience in his own words in our follow up post soon.

In the meantime if you are able to boost his sponsorship fund just a little more you can do through the link Donate

Helping Climb Mountains


Kilimanjaro tee shirts
team facing the wall with Lucas


You may be wondering what we accountants have to do with Kilimanjaro the highest mountain in Africa. The answer is Lucas Martin. Lucas approached the practice with the intention of helping him with sponsorship and also to provide him with sponsorship tee shirts and a flag to carry with him to the top of the mountain.

Lucas who is an ex Runshaw College student went on to study Geography at Manchester University and he got involved with the RAG group who were highlighting various fundraising and volunteering activities. Lucas liked the idea of a trek planned by Childreach which wasn’t just an ordinary trek but one to scale Kilimanjaro at a height of 5895m. Lucas flies to Tanzania on 13th June 2016.

To explain why we supported Lucas is best done by understanding why Lucas chose to undertake this challenge. It was the nature of the cause that providing education for children less fortunate. Lucas said “I thought it was a good cause with regards to The support of children because education should be a basic right for all regardless of the economic standing”.

Lucas will spend three days in a local school working with the children and then in his challenge to climb Africa’s highest mountain. You can still show your support for Lucas by donating on my

Please support Childreach through Lucas by donation or sharing this post.

David Richardson


NAO report says HMRC’s customer service quality ‘collapsed’

According to a report by the National Audit Office (NAO) the quality of service at HMRC ‘collapsed’ over an 18 month period between 2014 and 2015.

The report found that average call waiting times tripled in 2014/15 and in the first seven months of 2015/16. Call waiting times for self assessment tax returns peaked at 47 minutes last autumn, which resulted in HMRC having to bring in 2,400 extra staff for their tax helpline.

Using HMRC’s own criteria, the NAO valued people’s time at an average of £17 an hour, and, as a result, calculated that callers would have wasted a total of £66 million while waiting on the phone, £21 million while actually talking to HMRC and £10 million on the cost of the call itself.

The NAO report blames the poor performance on HMRC’s decision to cut 11,000 staff between 2010 and 2014 in the move to persuade more people to complete their tax returns online. The report claims that HMRC ‘misjudged the cumulative impact of its complex transition and released too many customer service staff before completing service changes’.

In other words, it greatly underestimated how many call centre staff would still be required to help taxpayers with self assessment queries.

Amyas Morse, head of the NAO, said:

‘HMRC’s overall strategy of using digitally enabled information to improve efficiency and deliver service in new ways make sense to the NAO. This does not change the fact that they got their timing badly wrong in 2014, letting significant numbers of call handling staff go before their new approach was working reliably.

This led to a collapse in service quality and forced a rapid expansion of headcount. HMRC needs to move forward carefully and get their strategy back on track while maintaining, and hopefully improving, service standards.’

HMRC said its service levels had improved since the period analysed in the NAO report, and that, over the last six months, call waiting times had averaged six minutes.

Ruth Owen, HMRC’s director general for customer services, said:

‘We recognise that early in 2015 we didn’t provide the standard of service that people are entitled to expect and we apologised at the time. We have since fully recovered and are now offering our best service levels in years.’

Internet links: NAO press release HMRC news
